Thursday, April 29, 2010

TEA PARTY, MEET THE TEQUILA PARTY The Rule of Law vs. the Law of Rule

By:  Resa LaRu Kirkland

One party shouted chants, the other shouted profanities.  One party questioned with boldness, the other grabbed its crotch.  One party spoke with clarity, courage, and the Constitution, the other threw bottles and food at the policemen who were there to protect them.

One party flew the American flag with joy, the other flew the Mexican flag with menace.

Yep, we are now a two-party people:  The pro-American Tea Party, and the anti-American Tequila Party.

Arizona had the nerve to pass a law upholding the rule of law because the Federal agencies, WHOSE JOB THIS WAS, had failed to do so for decades.  Arizona passed DefCon 5 on the illegal question back in the 80’s but continued to hold on to the fantasy that the Feds would actually do their job.  When once again Big Government failed, they stepped up and took responsibility for their own state, showing that their “THAT IS IT!” moment was long overdue and snapping shut the American purse on those who weren’t American nor law-abiding.

And after decades of doing nothing, suddenly now AG Eric Holder is studying what is going on in Arizona.  Only when Arizona showed they would handle things themselves, without the Big Government who had so utterly failed them, did they deem them worthy of their attention.

But then, haven’t we come to expect that from the arrogant, drunken frat boy tactics of this administration?  Is it any wonder that the aptly-named Tequila Party supports him?  After all, watch the news; their tactics are one and the same, and by their fruits ye shall know them.

And I’m not talking lime, either.

Arizona Republican Gov. Jan Brewer signed a bill Friday to give state police the authority to question whether an individual is in the United States legally and would consider it a crime for people to be unlawfully in the state. She said she was forced to act because Washington has failed to stop the flow of illegal immigrants and drugs from Mexico.

Opponents of the law, who have staged protests in the state capital of Phoenix since last week, used refried beans to smear swastikas on the state Capitol and have demanded a boycott of the state, have said they want to take the case to court for a judge to decide whether the state can enforce federal laws.  Fox News, April 27, 2010

Refried beans; yeah, they’re not stereotypes!

Is this our country or isn’t it?  It is literally against the law to come to this country without following the rules, and has been for over a century now.  My forefathers had to check in at Ellis Island, have a skill, a place to live, a plan for their lives here, they had to be free of disease or quarantined until they were safe, they had to be free of a criminal record, learn English, swear allegiance, know our history, and be an asset to the land, not a millstone around its neck.
We either have the Rule of Law or we have the Law of Rule, that is, he who rules makes whatever law he damned well wants to make.  Our fore-fathers followed the laws and were happy to do so, for they knew there was security in creating a unified country whose members played by the same rules and were subject to the same laws.  All we have now is splintered favoritism, and the only rule for being part of the favored groups is apparently how many laws you’re willing to rape.

Yet the current crop of illegals think it’s somehow different for them, that they shouldn’t have to follow the same rules that the ancestors of white Americans had to follow.  They believe they should be exempt.

And we’re the arrogant ones?

Keep the faith, bros, in all things courage, and no substitute for VICTORY.

***Tequila Party:  Those who believe they are exempt from the laws of the land they demand to be included in and given all benefits meant for the legal citizens, but not pay taxes or have to follow any of the laws/rules already established in said country they are desperate to be a part of; the antithesis of the Tea Party.***

My Letter to a Moron--Usually I don't bother, but, well....


"Obama is the first non-white President of the United States and conservatives who make up a majority of tea partiers tend to be overwhelmingly white..."

The country over which O is Prez is overwhelmingly white.  THAT is a mathematical truth.  But since when did these facts preclude others from knowing what the hell they were talking about? 

So we know for sure you failed math, now on to history...

"The same government protected black slavery" --  But fortunately, REPUBLICANS wrote the law and towed the line that freed them--paid for overwhelmingly with the lives of young WHITE men.  Can you name me a war where blacks fought and died to free their own white slaves in their own homeland, hmmm?  Nope; only whites did that, and overwhelmingly Republican whites at that.

"There’s plenty on the record to protest regardless of one’s race." --  Really?  Then doesn't logic dictate you focus on the plenty, or the MAJORITY, rather than the MINORITY?  Sheesh, look who I'm talking to!

"Could not one consider the Black Panthers a "militia?" and were they not formed for largely the same reason: to protect neighborhoods and communities from what they felt were unlawful conduct by law enforcement, federal or local? What’s the difference?" --  Wow...even for you this is a new low.  Clearly you know NOTHING about the evils of the Black Panthers, whose stated purpose was to overthrow American government with violence and guerilla warfare (might want to read what number 3 man in the Panthers, Eldridge Cleaver, wrote about going to Communist countries to learn guerilla warfare.  He might have something to say about their plans), and who repeatedly SCREAMED the superiority of blacks and inferiority of whites. (But that's not racist, right?)  Betcha I could find some old school Cats who would just loooooove to have you over for a bake sale and educate you on "neighborhood protection."  In fact, let's call David Horowitz and see if he can arrange it.  That might be a bit touchy for him, though.  Trouble is, last time he recommended a woman to them--she was a black bookkeeper who found discrepancies regarding money for drugs, hookers, etc., and showed them to Horowitz, who referred her to Bobby Seals about what he was sure was "just a mistake"--she was found butchered.  Helluva coinkidink for some kindly, non-menacing, best of intention neighborhood watch types, doncha think?  Is THAT the group you're comparing the Tea Party to?  My God, boy...slap your parents and fire your teachers, 'cause they done failed you.

"This is one of the many challenges the Tea Partiers face, from co-optation by the establishment Right, (Tea Party is overwhelmingly conservative, dickless, and since you were educated under the NEA, that means the right hand, baby boy) demonization from the Left (yeah, that JUST began with the tea party.  Guess you were still in diapers 18 months ago during the HATE BUSH finale) and at times its own incoherence as to what its larger goals are."(You are the only person on the left who hasn't gotten it; even Al Sharpton made a reasonably coherent summation; I know, because hell froze over and his feet got stuck.  Took 25 18 wheelers to get him out again--you could hear swear words and smell Teamsters for days after that.  Guess that makes you the LEAD LOSER of the LEFT.  Congratulations, your majesty.  You make a lovely Queen.)

Why is it that the only ones who EVER bring up race are Politically Castrated leftist losers with castration complex (of course, since they are, after all, PC--Politically Castrated)?  If the right is so "racist," why is the left the ONLY ones to EVER bring race into the argument?  Not one time have ANY of the demonstrations talked about race,not by the Tea Partiers anyway.  By definition, then, since the left views everything through the race window, the left is horrifically racist.  That includes you, limp-dick.

"Only by making themselves bigger and broader can they avoid all this and they can make themselves more politically potent."  Psst...I don't want to humiliate you any further than your poor cognition has done, but O's poll numbers support US, not HIM.  Sounds like BROAD support to this broad.

If you're going to speak fluently about history, you might want to at LEAST study a little outside the halls of the catastrophic American education system (Don't even try; my degree is in Education)  Remain mute and stop removing all the merciful doubt people kindly bestow upon the silent.  But if you aren't going to do that, at least try to gain some testicular fortitude and reach beyond the Hippy Press taglines.  I have a pair you can borrow, but I'd recommend starting with something a bit smaller; go too big all at once and your ass will fall in.

Bob, Kevin, and Sean, anything you might like to add to enlighten the little piss ant?  Or would you rather just mail pics to the race-obsessed big boy wanna-be, since apparently all that white on his TV screen gave him snow-blindness and he missed out on the hundreds of blacks, hispanics, asians, indians, etc., who attend these events?  Your call.

Keep the faith, bros, in all things courage, and no substitute for VICTORY!

--SO SAYS WARCHICK, Resa LaRu Kirkland
Columnist/Writer/Speaker/Military Historian/The Anti-Feminist!
Agree with RESA at, SmartGirlPolitics, Facebook, MySpace, and
Hippies, commies, and femmies opinions altered here!!
POW/MIA:  Bring them home or send us back!

My Letter to a Moron--Usually I don't bother, but, well....


"Obama is the first non-white President of the United States and conservatives who make up a majority of tea partiers tend to be overwhelmingly white..."

The country over which O is Prez is overwhelmingly white.  THAT is a mathematical truth.  But since when did these facts preclude others from knowing what the hell they were talking about? 

So we know for sure you failed math, now on to history...

"The same government protected black slavery" --  But fortunately, REPUBLICANS wrote the law and towed the line that freed them--paid for overwhelmingly with the lives of young WHITE men.  Can you name me a war where blacks fought and died to free their own white slaves in their own homeland, hmmm?  Nope; only whites did that, and overwhelmingly Republican whites at that.

"There’s plenty on the record to protest regardless of one’s race." --  Really?  Then doesn't logic dictate you focus on the plenty, or the MAJORITY, rather than the MINORITY?  Sheesh, look who I'm talking to!

"Could not one consider the Black Panthers a "militia?" and were they not formed for largely the same reason: to protect neighborhoods and communities from what they felt were unlawful conduct by law enforcement, federal or local? What’s the difference?" --  Wow...even for you this is a new low.  Clearly you know NOTHING about the evils of the Black Panthers, whose stated purpose was to overthrow American government with violence and guerilla warfare (might want to read what number 3 man in the Panthers, Eldridge Cleaver, wrote about going to Communist countries to learn guerilla warfare.  He might have something to say about their plans), and who repeatedly SCREAMED the superiority of blacks and inferiority of whites. (But that's not racist, right?)  Betcha I could find some old school Cats who would just loooooove to have you over for a bake sale and educate you on "neighborhood protection."  In fact, let's call David Horowitz and see if he can arrange it.  That might be a bit touchy for him, though.  Trouble is, last time he recommended a woman to them--she was a black bookkeeper who found discrepancies regarding money for drugs, hookers, etc., and showed them to Horowitz, who referred her to Bobby Seals about what he was sure was "just a mistake"--she was found butchered.  Helluva coinkidink for some kindly, non-menacing, best of intention neighborhood watch types, doncha think?  Is THAT the group you're comparing the Tea Party to?  My God, boy...slap your parents and fire your teachers, 'cause they done failed you.

"This is one of the many challenges the Tea Partiers face, from co-optation by the establishment Right, (Tea Party is overwhelmingly conservative, dickless, and since you were educated under the NEA, that means the right hand, baby boy) demonization from the Left (yeah, that JUST began with the tea party.  Guess you were still in diapers 18 months ago during the HATE BUSH finale) and at times its own incoherence as to what its larger goals are."(You are the only person on the left who hasn't gotten it; even Al Sharpton made a reasonably coherent summation; I know, because hell froze over and his feet got stuck.  Took 25 18 wheelers to get him out again--you could hear swear words and smell Teamsters for days after that.  Guess that makes you the LEAD LOSER of the LEFT.  Congratulations, your majesty.  You make a lovely Queen.)

Why is it that the only ones who EVER bring up race are Politically Castrated leftist losers with castration complex (of course, since they are, after all, PC--Politically Castrated)?  If the right is so "racist," why is the left the ONLY ones to EVER bring race into the argument?  Not one time have ANY of the demonstrations talked about race,not by the Tea Partiers anyway.  By definition, then, since the left views everything through the race window, the left is horrifically racist.  That includes you, limp-dick.

"Only by making themselves bigger and broader can they avoid all this and they can make themselves more politically potent."  Psst...I don't want to humiliate you any further than your poor cognition has done, but O's poll numbers support US, not HIM.  Sounds like BROAD support to this broad.

If you're going to speak fluently about history, you might want to at LEAST study a little outside the halls of the catastrophic American education system (Don't even try; my degree is in Education)  Remain mute and stop removing all the merciful doubt people kindly bestow upon the silent.  But if you aren't going to do that, at least try to gain some testicular fortitude and reach beyond the Hippy Press taglines.  I have a pair you can borrow, but I'd recommend starting with something a bit smaller; go too big all at once and your ass will fall in.

Bob, Kevin, and Sean, anything you might like to add to enlighten the little piss ant?  Or would you rather just mail pics to the race-obsessed big boy wanna-be, since apparently all that white on his TV screen gave him snow-blindness and he missed out on the hundreds of blacks, hispanics, asians, indians, etc., who attend these events?  Your call.

Keep the faith, bros, in all things courage, and no substitute for VICTORY!

--SO SAYS WARCHICK, Resa LaRu Kirkland
Columnist/Writer/Speaker/Military Historian/The Anti-Feminist!
Agree with RESA at, SmartGirlPolitics, Facebook, MySpace, and
Hippies, commies, and femmies opinions altered here!!
POW/MIA:  Bring them home or send us back!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Suing Muhammad - Atlas Shrugs

Oh love it! Everyone who has been hurt by Mohammedism, as our Founding Fathers referred to it, should follow suit -- WARCHICK

Suing Muhammad - Atlas Shrugs

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

World Jewish Congress Pres Ronald Lauder Stands up to Obama | One Jerusalem :: Israel News & Analysis

World Jewish Congress Pres Ronald Lauder Stands up to Obama | One Jerusalem :: Israel News & Analysis

Anyone else have that top of the roller coaster feeling?

Bring it on, O...better men (and women!) for that matter have tried taking on the God of Israel. My bet is on the ash pile smite, always a classic, but part of me is hoping for the rarely used but oh-so-satisfying pillar of salt smite.


Sunday, April 04, 2010

We're all North Koreans now...

From the April 2, 2010 edition of Korean Central News Agency, North Korea's ONLY newspaper. The rhetoric and fantasy can be hard to take, especially when these stir-fried Stalinists brag on the communist word before we get a chance to enact it here.

30th Anniversary of Public Health Law Marked

Pyongyang, April 2 (KCNA) -- A meeting took place at the Central Hall of Workers on Friday to mark the 30th anniversary of the promulgation of the Public Health Law thanks to President Kim Il Sung.

The participants heard the recorded historic speech "Let Us Implement the Public Health Law to the Letter" made by the President at the Fourth Session of the Sixth Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK on April 4, Juche 69 (1980).

Vice-Premier of the DPRK Cabinet O Su Yong said in his report that Kim Il Sung made sure that the above-said public health law was adopted at the Fourth Session of the Sixth SPA and made public a work indicating tasks and ways for implementing it, adding that this was an event of great historical significance in carrying out the Juche-oriented cause of public health.

The Public Health Law which comprehensively deals with popular health policies of the Workers' Party of Korea and the state is a Juche-oriented public health charter which provides a legal guarantee for all principles and requirements for freeing the working people from all diseases once and for all and promoting their health, he noted.

He referred to the fact that Kim Jong Il has energetically led the drive for defending the Juche-oriented idea and theory of public health and bringing about a new turn in the health service.

The reporter recalled that Kim Jong Il provided a national meeting of public health workers and sent the historic letter "On the Further Improvement of the Health Service" to its participants in April, Juche 74 (1985), clearly indicating tasks and ways for further developing the health service, and saw to it that various new laws were instituted to provide a legal guarantee for the health service.

The reporter stressed that under the wise leadership of the President and Kim Jong Il great successes have been made in the public health service and the advantages and vitality of the law have been fully demonstrated over the last three decades.

Pointing out that the true nature of socialism lies in prioritizing the people's wellbeing and regarding it as absolute, the reporter called on the public health workers to thoroughly implement the above-said law so that the benefits of the Party and the state may perfectly reach the working people.

It was attended by Choe Thae Bok, secretary of the Central Committee of the WPK, officials concerned and exemplary public health workers.