Monday, January 07, 2013

WARCHICK on Sir Templar radio talk show 1-8-2013!

Talk Radio Alert!   WARCHICK interview and call in!

Michael Nunnally, aka Sir Templar, will be having guest Resa WARCHICK Kirkland on his "THE END WITHIN" Blog Talk Radio show tomorrow, January 8, at 10 pm Eastern, 9 pm Central, 8 pm Mountain, and 7 pm Pacific time.  You won't wanna miss this exciting interview; those who have heard WARCHICK speak know it is an experience for the ages.

Please join us, it should be an interesting evening as we discuss all topics of the day including Benghazi, Islamic Caliphate and this Commander and Chief's total disdain for American ideas.

Where:  "THE END WITHIN" show with HOST Sir Templar

When:  10 pm Eastern/7 pm Pacific

Call in number:  347-202-0407

Set your alarms and don't miss it!

Only the lie needs "Propaganda;" the TRUTH can stand alone

"Stalin used the slogan "2+2=5" as a symbol for his idea that the Soviet Union would complete a five-year plan in four years. This is a tongue-in-cheek example of the power of propaganda. In countries with an oppressive regime, such as Stalin's Soviet empire, propaganda becomes necessary to promote the regime's ideology while suppressing subversives. When such regimes become very powerful, they can use propaganda to create truth, or the appearance of truth."