Wednesday, July 16, 2008

When people, places, and things keep matching

FBI denies terrorist in fire department

NEW YORK, Sept. 4 (UPI) -- A New York firefighter reportedly expressed concern there was a terrorist working in the department before the Sept. 11 attacks but was ignored.

The New York Daily News said the fire marshal, Ronnie Bucca went to the FBI with his suspicions about an Egyptian-born FDNY employee who associated with terrorists.

The allegations are in a new book, "1,000 Years for Revenge," already being put down by New York FBI spokesman Joe Valiquette, who says the work is a "rehash of old stories, gossip and speculation."

The book, by Peter Lance, follows Fire Department veteran Ronnie Bucca and his suspicions about a department accountant, Ahmed Amin Refai.

Bucca was alarmed by Refai's association with Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman, the blind sheik convicted of conspiracy in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

In 1990, Refai took a pile of Trade Center blueprints that had been tossed out by the FDNY, the book says. When the complex was bombed, Refai called in sick, Lance reports.

9/11 book: Terror link inside FDNY


A hero fire marshal killed in the terror attacks told the FBI of his suspicions about an Egyptian-born FDNY employee who associated with terrorists - but his warning was ignored, a new book claims.
The book, "1000 Years for Revenge" by Peter Lance, contends the feds missed opportunities to stop the attacks.

But New York FBI spokesman Joe Valiquette slammed Lance's book as a "rehash of old stories, gossip and speculation."

One thread of the book follows Fire Department veteran Ronnie Bucca and his suspicions about a department accountant, Ahmed Amin Refai.

Bucca began investigating Refai in 1999, after Refai filed a bogus report to get a new building identification pass for department headquarters, the book says.

Bucca was alarmed by Refai's association with Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman, the blind sheik convicted of conspiracy in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

The marshal uncovered TV footage of Refai escorting Abdel-Rahman through a crowd at a New Jersey mosque and learned he was also acquainted with El Sayed A Nosair, who assassinated Jewish Defense League leader Meir Kahane in 1990.

That year, Refai took a pile of Trade Center blueprints that had been tossed out by the FDNY, the book says. When the complex was bombed, Refai called in sick, Lance reports.

Now retired, Refai denied any wrongdoing. He admitted to Lance that he met Abdel-Rahman and other terror figures but said he wasn't close to them. He also denied taking the blueprints and blamed the attacks on a U.S.-Israeli conspiracy.

The FBI is now investigating Refai, the book says. Valiquette declined comment yesterday on any probe.

Originally published on September 4, 2003

WARCHICK'S WORDS: The Enemy among us. We have YET to accept the historically-proven--again and again--fact of Secret Combinations. When the same people, places, and incidences keep happening, the reason is NEVER benign. As the Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley said, "There is no such thing as coincidence." As my source Alex has said again and again, if they support jihad, they cannot be trusted--ever.

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