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Monday, July 22, 2013

WARCHICK now a proud member of the best lookin' broads on the block: POLITICHICKS!

Ann-Marie Murrell, Dr. Gina Loudon, Morgan Brittany

I am thrilled to announce that I have been invited to join POLITICHICKS, the hottest conservative dames online!  I am now the UTAH REP for Politichicks Nation!

Don't miss my first article for them, up now, and more comin!

SURPRISE!  Justice Actually Won One

Excerpt:  For one brief shining moment, I saw in his eyes what must have shown in the eyes of our Founders, that sense of, “Can it be?  Can truth and right really win in a world of deception, lies, oppression, blatant thuggery and murder by the highest level of elected government?”

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