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Thursday, October 27, 2005


Michelle Malkin had an interesting post at her website this past Monday on the obvious intentional manipulation by the press of a photo of Condoleeza Rice. She wrote to a man she knew who did this for a living, who confirmed that it was a deliberate and malicious manipulation. California Conservative went even deeper into the fraud.

Wow…this ought to really be a “heads up” to the commie-controlled media. Trouble is, they’ve been caught lying/manufacturing stuff before, and it has yet to have any effect on them whatsoever.

I don’t have a whole lot of faith that this time will be any different.

Look at their treatment of Israel. Once again, the Palestinians have broken the roadmap, yet MSNBC does their best to first make it look like the Israelis did it—hence their headline that suggests this written as Suicide bomber in Israel kills 5, wounds 30, and their subtitle justifying the attack once you realize that it was yet again the Palestinians: A revenge bombing.

They should write for Al Jazeerah…they have the same objectivity.

From their slanted writings about abortion, war/warriors, communism, Islam, education, gays, straights, immigration, Israel, and politics to their arrogance in sticking by their lies in the face of evidence to the contrary, they are at best a joke and at worst a tool. Or is that the other way around?

The MSM is in its death throes to be sure. But exactly how long is it going to take this beast to die?

Exactly as long as we continue to supply just enough life support to keep them going. Why don’t we give them the Schiavo treatment and let them out of their—and our—misery? Stop feeding these groups and they’ll die a tortured death.

Although the idea of “Death with Dignity” doesn’t really apply to the MSM. Why should their death be any different than their life?

Now that’s a nasty picture!


WARCHICK said...

And they STILL aren't getting it! They truly think we admire them. The internet is their undoing!

kender said...

Hi, first time commenting here, and I just want to say great blog. I will be back.

WARCHICK said...

Oh yes! The more the merrier! Can't you just hear the hippies now? mwah hah hah

Alnot said...

Just remember that leftists are commited traitors and will seldom listen as they destroy themselves. Not until confronted with reality do they ever change or just plain die in denial. What a said time will be their judgement day.

Alnot said...

Someday I am going to have to learn to proofread. Arizona has a budget surplus and our commie media had the headline "Most People Do Not Want a Tax Cut" Talk about an obvious lie!

WARCHICK said...

What freakin' lie! You know, I'm going to write an article about it. The only ones who don't want it are the ones who have been bludgeoned into believing that they are selfish and bad if they want to keep all of their money. It is an evil government who takes more of its people's money than God himself requires. If 10% is good enough for Jesus, it ought to be good enough for Uncle Sam.

WARCHICK said...

Yep. America managed to do so up until after the Civil War, when the first roots of the unconstitutional income tax were suggested.

>>Without the income tax, would the government collapse? The answer is to ask yourself when the government began. Let’s say 1784. When did the income tax begin? Nineteen thirteen. Between 1784 and 1913, there were 129 years. For many of those years, there were no internal taxes at all! Yet, just before the illegal income tax of 1894, the big problem in Congress was the "Surplus Monster." Tax money was pouring in and Congress didn’t know what to do with it.<<

Apparently, Congress solved the "surplus" problem.

And for all readers, a refresher from my 2005 archives: