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Wednesday, November 03, 2010

THE BLACK PUSSY CATS; Putting the "Ow!" in "Meow"

By:  Resa LaRu Kirkland

You remember these cats, right?  Here are the cuddly kittens during the O-bomination of 2008, with the raised hackles, arched backs, hissing and spitting:

And then the bared teeth and spread claws from earlier this year (‘cause nothing says “Manly Man” more than infanticide!):

Followed by these threats against the unprecedented RESTORE HONOR RALLY hosted by Glenn Beck:

And then the outrageous and unconstitutional behavior of the #1 Tom Cat and his mewling sidekick Eric Holder in exempting from the consequences of their actions these particular criminal kitties after the law of this land had declared them guilty (unprecedented, btw, but we should have seen it coming given their frantic efforts to first ignore then impede the investigation and trial):

In spite of these O-bominations, the American people stood firm, for the first time in a long time, and the kitties’ futile attempts, while offensive—again—were laughable.  Watch Houston and once again, Philadelphia, for verification. 


And yet…  

The disturbing parts were the appearance of authority given to the kitties by police and judges at the polling booth.  I smell Tom Cat and Co. in this; I mean, once you override court decisions for your own preening desires, it’s a small leap to force other areas of enforcement to bend to your will.

Yet still…

The side of evil, oppression, and my-way-or-else has been sent a resounding “NO.”  My beloved American brethren rose to the occasion, refusing to be intimidated, meeting lies and threats with truth and courage, in spite of the RULE OF LAW being blatantly violated by the LAW OF RULERS we foolishly put into power two years ago.

That is over.  To Tom Cat, we did not “misread the election results,” as you gutlessly claimed in your outrageously arrogant talk the day after the election.  We wrote those results, we did not read them.  You did that, and in true wimpy fashion, believed if you denied and lied about what they were, it made it so.

Unlike you, kitty, we the people are not afraid of the “4.”  We can put 2 & 2 together, and it is spelling a 4cast of doom for you and your feral, out of control animal shelter.  Your fear of the truth has outed you and your purring henchcats as the neutered nuisance you are.  You take the truth as hard and offensive as all weaklings do, which makes the next two years inherently dangerous, for the pattern of history tells us you now see our freedom as the most dire threat to your evil ambitions.  Is that a fur ball caught in your throat, or the fear of 2012?

“…wherefore, the guilty taketh the truth to be hard, for it cutteth them to the very center.” 1 Nephi 16: 2, Book of Mormon

I’ve always liked that scripture, mostly because the Politically Castrated antics of those cut by truth is hilarious to watch, and eternally gratifying.

So growl all you want, Tom Cat and your Black Pussy Cats.  Use your influence to stop the truth from being told, stop the courageous from supreme acts of heroism, shut up the speech of the free (nice try, kitty, but Breitbart’s bigger than you).  You’re eunuchs now, and you know it, and no amount of desperate cat preening can drown out the freedom cry of those who used the polls to cage and render you impotent.  You’re eunuchs now, and we know it, and that was always your greatest fear…that we would figure you out and summarily dismiss you.

In fact, I think we can drop the “Cats”…

Keep the faith, bros, in all things courage, and no substitute for VICTORY!


no2liberals said...

Some of the finest people I have ever known were cats.
These kitties are not their kin.
A fringe group that takes it self so seriously and draws any level of support from our government is worthy of more colorful adjectives than I have time for, or you have bandwidth to accomodate.
Their efforts will be rewarded with the new congress, as their DOJ kitty will be grilled by a congressional committee or two.
In the congressional districts where they tried to coerce and intimidate voters to protect their chosen representative was an exercise in futility. Reapportionment is coming in the next year. Those "safe" districts, such as Sheila Jackson Lee's in Houston, are going to be redrawn.
These types of stray cats are at risk of being run over by the Øbummer bus. It has claimed many victims.

WARCHICK said...

Amen, darlin! Next election will be "unprecedented" again! It'll make this one look downright yawn-fest!

no2liberals said...

This election was one for the history books. It set the bar very high. The 682 state legislator flip is more significant than most realize.
As for the kitty voters who helped the mack daddy of the kitties get elected, they will go back to their old ways and won't vote in 2012.

WARCHICK said...

Oh good...LANDSLIDE!!!!! (again)