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Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Wow...I'm writing this with shaking hands, still stunned that it has happened.

And I didn't even know it had...

Going through my morning emails before work, I came across the following:

Denne mailen sendes til en rekke mottagere. Avsender er den norske avisen VG i Oslo.
Årsaken til du får denne mailen er at vi er kjent med at du er en av over 1000 mottagere av det såkalte manifestet til Anders Behring Breivik – kalt ”2083 – A European Declaration of Independence”. Han står bak bombeangrepet mot regjeringskvartalet i Oslo og drapene på svært mange ungdommer og voksne på AUF-leiren på Utøya 22. juli. Manifestet ble sendt ut fra e-post-adressen til Anders Behring Breivik 22. juli klokken 14.08 norsk tid.

Vi gjør nå journalistiske undersøkelser knyttet til manifestet. I forbindelse med at du var en av svært mange mottagere av e-posten ønsker vi å stille deg noen spørsmål, som vi håper du har mulighet til å svare på. Vi understreker at vi ikke vil publisere dine svar uten at du selv godkjenner det.
1) Har du noen gang hatt kontakt med Anders Behring Breivik?
2) Vet du hvorfor du mottok manifestet?
3) Hvis svaret er ja, kan du fortelle oss hva slags kontakt du har hatt med ham og når?
4) Kan vi få dine kontaktdata for eventuelle oppfølgingsspørsmål.
Hvis du har noen spørsmål vedrørende denne henvendelsen kan du kontakte oss på e-post XXXXXXXXX.

Med vennlig hilsen
Redaksjonen, VG

This email is sent to a number of receivers. The sender is the Norwegian newspaper VG in Oslo.
The reason is that we are aware that you are one of more than 1000 recipients of the so-called manifesto - called "2083 - A European Declaration of Independence." - sent out by Anders Behring Breivik. 

Anders Behring Breivik is the suspect behind the bomb attack on government building in Oslo and the deaths of many persons on Labour Youthcamp on Utøya. The manifesto was sent out from the e-mail address of Anders Behring Breivik 22 July at 14.08 Norwegian time.

We are doing journalistic research related to the manifesto. In connection with that you were one of many recipients of this e-mail, and we want to ask you some questions, which we hope you have the opportunity to answer. We emphasize that we will not publish youranswer without your approval.

1) Have you ever had contact with Anders Behring Breivik?
2 )Do you know why you received the manifesto?
3) If the answer is yes, can you tell us what kind of contact you have with him and when?
4) Can we have your contact information for any follow-up questions.

If you have any questions regarding this request please contact us by e-mail XXXXXXXXX.

The news desk, VG

I was about to delete this as a phishing scheme or spam, until I read the name Anders Behring Breivik.  The Norway Terrorist.

Pictures from the VG newspaper in Norway

WHAT???  My email was among the 1500 he sent his manifesto to prior to his horrifying killing spree?

Something pricked at the back of my skull...I had remembered seeing a couple of views of my website from Norway.  I ran to check my site meter for it and there it was:  a hit on July 18th out of Borgaland, Norway.


The page viewed was my TRYING MEN'S SOULS; THE MOUSE THAT SILENCED, my efforts to host the private online viewing of the Clinton/Disney censored docudrama THE PATH TO 911.  It came from Defenders of the Catholic Faith forum that can only be accessed by password and signing up to become a member.

So I've signed up...more on that when I've had time to look into it more.  In the meantime, I needed to see if it was true:  did the Norway Terrorist email me prior to his killing spree?  I shakingly checked my emails, unable to comprehend it.

And there it was.  Sent at 5:08 AM on July 22nd, a letter to myself and 1499 others, with his attached 1516 page manifesto entitled 2083 -- A European Declaration of Independence.

I could literally feel myself turning pale.

I hadn't even read the email, although its subject line was the reason I hadn't deleted it, which I normally do with mass mailings from emails I don't know.  It read:  

The Islamisation of Western Europe and the status of the European Resistance Movements

I figured I'd look at it more later when I saw it Friday morning during my normal email dredging.  The Islammunism of Europe is something myself and many of my conservative blogging colleagues have written about before, and the Political Castration that has rendered them impotent, giving in to the hippy fagatronics that led Geert Wilders to being brought up on criminal charges for quoting the Koran and multiple Imams and to increased anti-Semitism, attacks, and the nickname "Eurabia."

I never ever ever went back to it, or for one second thought about it, even after the attacks became worldwide news.  The guy's name was as new to me as it was to everyone else.

That is, until this morning's email from the news agency in Norway, informing me that I was one of the 1500.

I wrote to good friends Pam Geller, Robert Spencer, Steve Emerson, and Mark Tapson to see if any of them had received the manifesto.  They hadn't, even though they are far better known than I am, and would have been more logical choices given his desire for this manifesto to be spread far and wide.  

So why me, a relative unknown?  Friend Mark Tapson responded with this email, trying to put me at ease:

Resa, I have a few FB friends who were FB friends with him - in fact, I was very briefly back when I first started on FB. At least one of them received the manifesto. Could you possibly have ever been FB friends with him? Maybe that's how he got your e-mail. Anyway, I wouldn't even bother responding, unless to tell them you never received anything and never had contact with him...

A quick search of my 5000 Facebook friends showed that he was, indeed, a friend, although I couldn't tell you when.  I didn't know his name, so I know he wasn't a regular, and until today I had never again visited his Facebook page, posted anything there, or recognized his name.  It is the hazard of being a writer online, where the world is free to read and respond to you, something all conservative bloggers know, and know well.  I've been attacked by these types when I didn't back their insane solutions, or made it clear that we were not of the same mind.

But this....

I've long and repeatedly said and written that it is the #PatternOfEvil to take a truth--ie, the Islammunism that has devoured Europe--and pervert it for self-serving causes.  Every TOTALitarian DICtator in history has done it, and every single one to come will also do so.  It's nothing new, and a hazard of what I and many others do.

It's still jarring, however.  

So I drew in a deep breath:  it was time to read the email.  There was no BCC of the emails; all 1500 of us are listed.  All 1500 of us read the following:

Western European patriot, I’m hereby sending you my new compendium (3 books); “2083 – A European Declaration of Independence”, in Word 97 format, which includes the following main topics:  1. The ongoing Islamisation of Western Europe 2. The current state of the Western European Resistance Movements (anti-Marxist/anti-Jihad movements) 3. Solutions for Western Europe and how we, the cultural conservative resistance, should move forward in the coming decades 4. And covering all, highly relevant topics including solutions and strategies for all of the 8 different political fronts  The compendium/book presents advanced ideological, practical, tactical, organisational and rhetorical solutions and strategies for all patriotic-minded individuals/movements. The book will be of great interest to you whether you are a moderate or a more dedicated cultural conservative/nationalist. After years of work the first edition of the compendium “2083” is completed. If you have received this e-mail and book, you are either a former Facebook friend or you are the friend of my Facebook friend. If you are concerned for the future of Western Europe you will definitely find the information both interesting and highly relevant. I have spent several years researching and compiling the information and I have spent most of my hard earned funds in this process (in excess of 300 000 Euros). I do not want any compensation for the work as it is a gift to you, as a fellow patriot. The content of the compendium truly belongs to everyone and is available to be distributed non-commercially in any way or form. In fact, I ask only one favour of you; I ask that you distribute this book to everyone you know. Please do not think that others will take care of it. Sorry to be blunt, but it does not work out that way. If we, the Western European Resistance, fail or become apathetic, then Western Europe will fall, and your liberties with it…  It is essential and very important that everyone is at least presented with the truth before our systems come crashing down within 2 to 7 decades. So again, I humbly ask you to re-distribute the book to as many patriotic minded individuals as you can. I am 100% certain that the distribution of this compendium to a large portion of European patriots will contribute to ensure our victory in the end. Because within these three books lies the tools required to win the ongoing Western European cultural war, the war against the anti-European hate ideology known as multiculturalism. Multiculturalism (cultural Marxism/political correctness), as you might know, is the root cause of the ongoing Islamisation of Europe which has resulted in the ongoing Islamic colonisation of Europe through demographic warfare and conquest. This compendium presents the solutions and explains exactly what is required of each and every one of us in the coming decades. Everyone can and should contribute in one way or another, it’s just a matter of will.  I hope you enjoy this compendium. It currently offers the most comprehensive database of solution oriented subjects. As mentioned, I only ask one thing from you; that you distribute this book to your friends and ask them to forward it to “their” friends, especially to individuals who have a patriotic mindset. Please help us and help yourself, your family and friends by contributing to spread the tools which will ensure our victory; for the truth must be known... It is not only our right but also our duty to contribute to preserve our identity, our culture and our national sovereignty by preventing the ongoing Islamisation. There is no Resistance Movement if individuals like us refuse to contribute... Time is of the essence. We have only a few decades to consolidate a sufficient level of resistance before our major cities are completely demographically overwhelmed by Muslims. Ensuring the successful distribution of this compendium to as many Europeans as humanly possible will significantly contribute to our success. It may be the only way to avoid our present and future dhimmitude (enslavement) under Islamic majority rule in our own countries. I have been unable to send this compendium to many people, for various reasons, so I truly hope you will be willing to contribute.  This compendium is sent to you in the Word 2007 – docx format. If you do not have MS Word 2007 or newer you may get a “2007 Word Viewer” at no cost at the main Microsoft site or just get a trial version. Opening a docx file Microsoft introduced the .docx  file format in its 2007 Office and Word applications and wants it to replace the commonly used doc format. The problem with the change from doc to docx is that many users are still working with prior versions of Word (XP in particular) or no Microsoft product at all and face the problem that they can’t load the docx file because it is not supported in their application. Older versions of Microsoft Office or Microsoft Word: Older versions such as Office XP do not support the docx format because it was not known when they were developed and sold. A simple way to read docx and xlsx files is to select one of the following options: 1. For Word XP or older versions - install the Microsoft Compatibility Pack which adds support for the new file formats, or; 2. Download Word 97 viewer or newer, or; 3. You can use the Open XML Translator for Open Office to be able to read and edit docx files with Open Office, or; 4. The free online docx converter lets you convert docx documents. This is a pretty good solution if you don’t want to install the previously mentioned add-ons. Remember, gaining access to this compendium will be well worth your time!  For translation from English to another language I would recommend the Google translation engine as a short term solution. Sincere and patriotic regards, 
Andrew Berwick, London, England - 2011  Justiciar Knight Commander for Knights Templar Europe and one of several leaders of the National and pan-European Patriotic Resistance Movement  With the assistance from brothers and sisters in England, France, Germany, Sweden, Austria, Italy, Spain, Finland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, the US etc.

 So there it is...the email that puts me in a creepy but exclusive club.  I will be following this post up with more when I've had time to digest it all, and given my churning gut, that won't be pleasant.  But for my readers, I intend to contact his attorney and request an interview.  I want to know how he went from stopping the evils of Islammunism to engaging in the exact same tactics as those he beheld.  I want to know how on earth he thought I would support him in this, as he clearly did by sending his manifesto to me.  I want to know how someone who took the time to train his body and write a 1500 page book didn't take the time to stop, think, and pray about his evil plot.  I want to know what level of mental illness so consumed him that he could go from fighting Islammunism and Political Castration to engaging in the exact same wretched methods.

I want to know why...

Keep the faith, bros, in all things courage, and no substitute for VICTORY.


Genny Conley said...

Please remove the reference to Defenders of the Catholic Faith discussion board from your post. Anders Breivik never registered there or posted there. We do have board members from Norway who are members of that private forum, but they are in no way associated with your terrorist. Your comment, in view of the fact that you jumped to a faulty conclusion, can have negative repercussions on the Defenders of the Catholic Faith discussion board as well as on the reputation and ministry of Mr. Steve Ray, the board owner.

I understand that you are upset, and rightfully so, but please know that you are in turn causing unnecessary distress for our Norwegian friends on DCF by making public comments about a group of people you don't know and didn't bother to investigate before making those comments.

I will expect to see the comment edited by the end of this day, or I will be turning this over to Mr. Ray and his attorney.

It wouldn't hurt for you to return to DCF and make a public apology to our Norwegian board members to show that you are not painting all people from Norway with such a broad brush as to suggest that being from Norway means they condone the actions of Anders Breivik.

Thank you,
Signum Crucis
Head Administrator
Defenders of the Catholic Faith

WARCHICK said...

Dear Genny, if you can show me where I tried to portray the forum as negative, I will gladly apologize. I stated a non-emotional fact: that the link that led to my website came from within that forum. I made no commentary stating that he was a member, or that your forum is evil or filled with terrorists, so I'm baffled as to how you are viewing a mere statement of fact as negative? The link to my site originated within your site; that is a clear and true statement of fact. I have since learned, after signing up and speaking with many of your kind and helpful members, that someone there had liked something I had written and posted a link to the article in your forum. That is pretty much what I had suspected; it never occurred to me that there was anything nefarious at your forum that led this guy to mine. As I suspected, it was an innocent post that could have originated anywhere. No one is blaming you anymore than I feel any need to be blamed for him writing to me. It is just a fact that he did. Again, please indicate where the malice, lie, or negativity is and I will gladly apologize.

Genny Conley said...

Then you should have no problem in removing the comment regarding DCF, seeing as how your terrorist friend never signed up there, never posted there, never followed any link from there to your blog; and the fact that someone from Norway, who identified herself to you, followed a link to your blog has nothing whatsoever, in any shape, form, or fashion to do with Anders Breivik. There is no reason for you to keep a comment regarding our board in your post on Anders Breivik. The two have nothing in common and to leave it there suggests that there is a connection.

I am asking you once again, out of common courtesy, to remove your comment regarding DCF from your post on Anders Breivik. I fail to see the point in leaving it there since it has been proven to you to be a false lead, one which you foolishly jumped on in your hysteria. To leave the reference to DCF in your post is mean-spirited and shows me that you are unwilling to admit your mistake. Your comment is injurious to Mr. Ray and his ministry because it is based on something you made up in your own head and now refuse to admit was a mistake on your part.

Signum Crucis
Head Admnistrator
Defenders of the Catholic Faith

WARCHICK said...

I understand your reaction, but it is an emotional one, and my obligation is to truth, NOT feelings or politeness. There is absolutely nothing derrogatory in the simple statement of fact. This is an international breaking story, and a million questions are being born every minute. I don't understand why you are unwilling to see how important it is to track the movements of this terrorist; no one at Facebook is demanding they not be mentioned, as it is a social network and they understand that that goes with the territory. Anyone who uses the internet understands that anything they post can be used for both good and evil; if God Himself has had His word perverted for wicked reasons, it's foolish to believe we are above it. I have made it abundantly clear, both here and within the article, that absolutely no one is blaming Catholics in general or your forum specifically. Such a connection is absurd...the internet is vast and fully connected; it stands to reason that multiple sources will emerge that this man used. It should be very obvious to everyone that however hard it is to face, following this terrorist's path will lead us to at least some of the answers. Ignoring them because someone might be offended opens us to more attacks and a lack of preparation. This is important, and it is clear that there is nothing offensive against individuals or groups in my post, merely a statement of fact for the purpose of figuring out this painful and agonizing event. It isn't pleasant at all for me to have to go public with this either, but I am willing to look past my own personal, and rather selfish, reasons for the bigger picture. This is important, and full disclosure is absolutely necessary. Your comments are there for the world to see when they view this post, and therefore are duly noted. But if you can't see how or why this is more important than just your personal feelings, then nothing I say here is going to make a difference, I'm afraid. He gleaned information from multiple sources; how could we find answers if none of those sources were willing to allow themselves to be publicized? No one is blaming anyone but this man for what he and he alone did, and certainly no one is blaming your forum, least of all me. But the importance of studying him and his movements, reading materials, and the connections he perverted for his own selfish reasons cannot be overstated; it simply can't be.

Genny Conley said...

It has nothing to do with my personal feelings, it has to do with your refusal to admit you made a mistake.

What is fact, and which you refuse to address truthfully is that Anders Breivik has nothing to do with DCF. He was never there. He never followed any link to your blog, which has been proven to you, so why do you insist on perpetuating a lie?

It is much more likely that he found you through your friendship with him on Facebook. Facebook doesn't demand that you retract your comments because that was a fact. What you are saying about DCF is a lie, one which you seem happy to continue putting out into the blogosphere.

The only thing newsworthy on your blog is that I can see why he would send his manifesto to you. He saw in you a kindred spirit.

So, there you go, folks. Warchick is lying about Anders Breivik finding her blog through a link from a private forum on Defenders of the Catholic Faith. She jumped to a mistaken conclusion and now is too embarrassed and prideful to admit her mistake. Draw from that what you will about her character and journalistic integrity.

Artgrl said...

I wouldn't do anything in response to Genny Conley, as she/he keeps calling this monster your "friend". They are malicious although it is obvious Anders is not someone you know. I have about 50 people on my FB page I have never met or spoken to.

WARCHICK said...

Unbelievable, isn't it? Emotion enters, all logic and reason exit. Thanks!

Genny Conley said...

Artgrl, we aren't talking about Facebook. A young woman from Norway who is a member of DCF, a private password-protected discussion board, clicked on a link that someone posted to this blog and because it was a Norwegian IP#, warchick is claiming it was Anders Breivik who followed the link to her blog from our board, even though it has been proven to her through various means that it was not he. She publicly admits on our board that she made a mistake and thanked us for helping her track down the person who clicked on the link. The woman even identified herself to warchick. So, you can imagine our shock when we found that warchick has claimed to give Norwegian authorities the IP# of this young lady, who is not associated with Anders Breivik in any way. Do reason and logic not demand that warchick is wrong in asserting on her blog that the IP# belongs to Anders Breivik? Targeting innocent people is not journalism, it is not truth; it is just simply wrong, unethical, and immoral.